
When we talk about monetizing videos on it comes just a place in memory, a place that you get money by posting videos and this has a beautiful view and likes, right? Who would have thought Youtube, right. However, as everything around us always changes and new opportunities emerge every day, today I bring you a project that has as its main focus, monetization of published content.

Before we talk about projects and how they work, we need to talk a little about e-commerce.
It is clear that the way shop people today are no longer the same as they did until recently and this is thanks to technological advancements, they provide us with buying goods and paying for forms of services never seen before and the result is big money savings.
Companies with e-commerce always invest millions in advertising and advertising companies and often the services provided by these companies are weak, while our social networks can see content posted by ordinary people with little knowledge of marketing and advertising is one explosion sales. Given this ineffective scenario and with a proposal to reach its maximum potential, Fanfare intends to make videos and content created for campaigns for companies or brands to monetize.

Social e-commerce

This is the name given to media content created by people who are willing to create content for a business or brand. Social e-commerce will function as follows. Platform users can create videos or any type of media that announces certain products of the company or brand and that content will be valued by the brand itself with the Fanfare ERC-20 token (Token FAN). This token is obtained as prizes can be redeemed for products on the sTore Fanfare platform.

The Fanfare Glopal Platform is a company based in Singapore and managed by a number of entrepreneurs, such as successful entrepreneurs, media professionals, law and investors with decades of experience and supported by investment companies.

We will have a new experience watching and sharing videos, the hours dedicated to making content can now be monetized on the Fanfare platform and the cool thing about it is that you can start now, because the Fanfare application is available for Android and IO. Download now on Google Play or Itunnes!


For information detail:

Author: sky light
My Eth: 0x6433fdB4af66dbE05cC8Bf236a362ab8e44E7534
