Humanity is based on the view that all human beings deserve respect and dignity and should be treated as such. Therefore, humanitarians seek to promote human welfare as a whole. Humanitarians avoid slavery, human rights violations and human rights and discrimination on the basis of features such as color skin, religion, ancestry or place of birth. Humanity encourages people to save lives, reduce suffering and increase human dignity amidst man-made or natural disasters.
Social problems are problems that affect large numbers of individuals in society. Often the consequences of factors extend beyond the control of the individual and are the source of conflicting opinions on the grounds of what is considered a mere personal life or social order.
Social responsibility is the responsibility of the organization for the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical conduct that:
-Contribution to sustainable development, including community health and welfare
- Consider the expectations of the stakeholders
-Is in accordance with applicable law and is consistent with international norms of behavioral norms
- That is integrated throughout the organization and practiced in its relationship. That is the definition of CSR taken from the Standard Guidance on Social Responsibility, ISO 26000 published by the International Organization for Standardization in 2010 Each Brand has different definitions and approaches to CSR but ultimately empties on Brands that play a role in driving sustainable solutions to social problems, https: //csr.inpactor.com/
When you donate money or something worthwhile for a humane purpose, you may realize some of the donations go towards operating costs and other fees. But do you know how much your donations evaporate without ever reaching the people you donate in a place that be the goal.
The solution developed from the Inpactor project
- Financial transparency
The distributed ledger technology can significantly improve transparency and gain insight into whether funds are being spent properly.
Smart contract on our platform allows Brand to directly link the amount of funding to Cause performance.
-Report accuracy
We are impacted by a mechanism to prevent interference with project reporting and improve project deliverability accuracy.
Income attribution is complex, let alone for CSR actions. We introduce a model for Brands to measure CSR in terms of returning the bottom line.
Everyone should have a voice in the strategic direction of incitement as an organization. Our Distributed Governance Framework puts the creation of a social impact into the hands of the people.
That is the reason why you should join and focus on CSR, apart from 6.5 years of direct industry experience as well as on the next platform will discuss about finance and human resources, about bureaucracy and anything else and this will be the main ingredient, because we believe it has the potential to be the single most powerful force that drives positive change for humans and the planet.
Mission to be implemented in project development
Our impact reporting sets a new standard in terms of narrative and quantitative data. All projects impact not only on beneficiaries, but for all involved stakeholders. Our project is designed to create a social impact that will last for many years to come. Innovations in every aspect of our project ensures maximum social impact & Brand return.
In this project has two Tokens but actually these are interrelated in supporting the program and interact synergistically to solve five problems throughout the industry.
CSRi Token
The CSRi value must remain stable at all times, therefore, CSRi functions independently within the Inpactor and can not be traded. The fund is intended for impact generation, therefore it can not be subject to extreme volatility attached to the current token market.
CSRi enables more financial transparency in the funding process using distributed ledger technology, accurate reporting using the Proof of Impact (PoI) in which volunteers vote on impact reports Causes and reliable collaborations using smart contracts to complement Project implementation.
CSRm Token
As incentives for creating social impacts, Brands receive CSRm every time they fund a project. This CSRm incentive can be spent within the Inpactor advertising platform, creating measurable ROI on their CSR initiatives or like other tokens, publicly traded or used to accumulate interest keep using Proof of Stake.
CSRm also introduces the Distributed Goods Governing Framework. This framework gives the holder of the sign holder's voting rights. This means that the community decides how this platform should evolve, which projects are highlighted and what social issues the Brand should solve.

Whitepaper: https://csr.inpactor.com/assets/docs/inpactor_paper_latest.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theincitement
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theincitement
Telegram: https://t.me/theincitement
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/incitement
Blog: https://medium.com/theincitement
Ann Threads BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3283594.0
Author : sky light
BTT profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1415220
MY ETH : 0x6433fdB4af66dbE05cC8Bf236a362ab8e44E7534
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