BETTIUM Platform is a logical blockchain platform for point-to-point betting games, which allows consumers to have a variety of innovative capabilities, reliability and flexibility that have never been seen before, all at the lowest possible cost. The BETTIUM platform provides users with easy and efficient tools such as integrated Artificial Intelligence that analyzes Big Data and allows users to make the right decisions. Those who support trusting knowledge experts will be able to subscribe to experience forecasts, copy their bets or even fully trust funds to specialists for a small fee.

More about the BETTIUM platform

At the end of the 20th century, when Internet technology became the majority product, online gambling services entered and began to multiply rapidly. The age of online gambling goes back to 94 years when the Antigua and Barbuda region issues a major offshore license for gambling companies offering online betting services.
The advent of internet gambling produced a huge expansion that benefited all market taxpayers. Players in various locations gain access to book-making services throughout the world, while betting makers see their spending disappear when brick-and-mortar offices become obsolete.

Today, the planet is on the verge of the most important technological revolution since the advent of the Internet: the lifting of block chains. Blockchain technology is used for a variety of projects that are varied and pioneering in all areas of life, providing greater reliability, transparency, reducing costs, increasing scaling capabilities and many other exclusive benefits.

The current game has become more than just the entertainment sector; Modern games are a combination of cutting-edge science, strategy and technology. Blockchain combinations are a reasonable step to provide efficient solutions to problems that have spread in this sector: trust, scalability and lack of clarity that is inherent.

BETTIUM Platform offers consumers easy and well-organized tools to analyze Big Data. Artificial intelligence assistants will allow players to plan games specifically made separately. Those who prefer to rely on knowledge professionals can subscribe to specialize, imitate their bets or even trust funds to a specialist for a small fee.

In BETTIUM, platform opportunities are rejected by players who play against others, not by third parties, to carry out totalization or gain other centralized powers. BETTIUM Platform is an analytical ecosystem, not a mediator, that provides influential data services and tools to help players make decisions. With a few clicks of a computer mouse, part-time players can bet as experts, anticipating and winning the equivalent of a field leader. BETTIUM Platform costs are very small compared to conventional betting brokers of 0.15 percent versus 8 to 10 percent, which will encourage group migration to the system.

BETTIUM Platform is a game modifier. Its functionality equates the game sector between amateurs and experts, opening up a planet of possibilities for users every day in every corner of the world. The game world is a treasure waiting to be opened wide, and the BETTIUM Platform is the key.


A fully decentralized system, BETTIUM Platform solves all the challenges that hit the usual betting system. The plan provides a clear and safe game system, completely protected from operations by third parties, players and book creators.

P2P gambling is, with its own scenario, self-regulating and fair: with terms and probabilities determined by the consumer itself, there is no exploitation to cover costs or increase margins. Big Data AI's integrated capabilities allow players to design their own forecast plans and combine them with the algorithmic capabilities available on the platform. BETTIUM Platform will also offer access to recordings and estimates of successful players, analysts and experts.

The betting process and settlement are done entirely through the BETT Token, which can be sold and purchased on the internal exchange. BETT Tokens will continue to have intrinsic value long after the entrepreneur leaves the market.

Decentralization ensures that ecosystems will be available throughout the world, basically immune to power outages and third party interference. Under a smart contract and oracle system, the winnings will be paid instantly and automatically, without the participation of bettors, operators or banks or any platform that can hinder the procedure.

All users will have access to special analytical tools and a large database of equipment, games, players and events accumulated by our Big Data locomotives. Expert forecast support and AI will be available for players who want to improve their strategies.

ICO Details:
  1. Token: BETT
  2. Price: one BETT token = 0.05 USD
  3. Bounty: Yes
  4. Platform: ETH
  5. Receive: BTC and ETH
  6. Soft stamp: $ 7,500,000
  7. Hard cap: $ 30,000,000
  8. Whitelist / KYC: Yes
  9. Country: Estonia
  10. Forbidden area: Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea US,
For further information, you can visit the link below:

Author: sky light
My Eth: 0x6433fdB4af66dbE05cC8Bf236a362ab8e44E7534
